A Message to Generations of the Future
A Message to Generations of the Future
Valentine's Day 2019
By Clarence William Page
A Message to Generations of the Future
Dear Wonderful Ones:
I am of the Baby Boomer Generation. So, to most of you, I am "Granddaddy", "Great Granddaddy" or "Great Great Granddaddy".
I address this Valentine's Day 2019 Message to you. Actually, I do not expect you to listen to me now (in the year 2019) because you have been taught to not listen to people like me (Christian ministers). Why then (if I expect you to not listen), do I write to you?
I write to you because you have decisions to make. You are the future. You are the leaders of the future. You are the decision makers of the future. The decisions you make will determine the quality of life you, your children, your grandchildren and great grandchildren experience.
It is clear (to me) that, in the areas of love and marriage, my generation has failed. Not only have we failed, but, during the 21st Century, we have utterly failed.
I assume that you do not want to hear a sermon. Great, I won't give you a sermon; rather, I will pose a number of questions for you to ponder. Your answers to those questions can make all the difference in the quality of societies in which you will live, love, work and lead.
Question #1: Seeing that males begin to crave non-family female companionship and intimacy around the age of twelve years old (and many females begin to crave non-family male companionship and intimacy at around the same age); is it right to make them wait ten, fifteen, or twenty years post-puberty before they can rightly (according to God's will) have each other?
Question #2: Is getting an education more important than getting a wife or husband?
Question #3: Is it possible for your societies to support both marriage and education? In other words, why can't your societies encourage marriage at ages much younger than 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, or 30 years of age; and, provide support mechanisms for young families that are both building (by bearing children) and getting themselves educated in colleges and advance educational programs?
Question #4: Do you know what "adolescence" means?
Question #5: Have you studied how non-Western societies have, for many millennia, dealt with teenage marriage?
Question #6: Do you think our current practice (of requiring young people to wait so long in the celibate state) is succeeding or failing?
Question # 7: Do you want to repeat our mistakes?
Question #8: Do you have viable solutions to the problems I outlined above?
Question #9: Do you think marriage is important?
Question # 10: If your societies continue doing what we are doing, do you expect to get different (or better) results?
Now, I won't give you a sermon; but, I will offer a few suggestions:
1. I am not a "born Jew"; but, I think the Judaeo-Christian values of love and marriage work very well (but we are not using them in the Western Hemisphere now).
2. I believe young people should not be required to wait ten, fifteen or twenty years post-puberty before being encouraged to marry and build families.
3. I believe society should encourage marriage at ages 16, 17, 18, and provide support for those young families as they begin building and educating.
4. I believe God's design for marriage and the family should be followed. (That design is found in the Holy Bible.)
5. I believe love and marriage are the basic building blocks of a healthy society.
6. I do not advocate "child marriage"; but, remembering my teenage years, I know that I could have become married at age 16, and, with support from society (family, neighborhood and others), could have built a wonderful life.
7. Not all people are ready for marriage at age 16 (and none should be pushed); but, those that are ready should not be arbitrarily denied.
8. We are just passing through Planet Earth; but, God needs people for the future (and the only Godly way to provide those people is through wholesome marriages).
9. I do not believe it is right for society to require young people to remain celibate for ten, fifteen or twenty years post-puberty (while "getting a college education").
10. I believe sexual intimacy should occur in marriage only (as is clearly outlined and commanded in the Holy Bible).
You may laugh, scoff, and reject my points of view now; but, twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty years from now, please read them again and make your suggestions for future generations.
Love, Holiness and Peace to all of you. Please seek to do the Will of Almighty God.
Pastor Clarence William Page
Ordained Christian Minister (Baptist)
February 14, 2019
Copyright© 2019 Clarence William Page
Note: Permission to reprint and/or republish this article is hereby granted.
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