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    by Published on 01-24-2019 06:59 AM

    Princeton University’s new Biodigester makes Food Scraps SustainablePrinceton, NJ - - (January 9, 2019) - - In the following article, Emily Aronson of the Princeton University Office of Communications introduces us to Princeton's new Biodigester Demonstration Project and explains how it operates:

    By Emily Aronson

    Princeton University’s latest sustainable innovation can be found along the edge of campus just behind FitzRandolph Observatory. There, under a white tent, hums a new biodigester that turns food waste into nutrient-rich compost. Since operations began in fall 2018, more than 16 tons of food scraps have been converted into compost.

    A ribbon-cutting ceremony on Tuesday, Jan. 8, officially celebrated the launch of the Biodigester Demonstration Project. Approximately 50 staff, faculty, students and local officials, including Princeton Mayor Liz Lempert and Council President Jenny Crumiller, gathered to mark the University’s ongoing sustainability achievements.

    Princeton University Vice President for Facilities KyuJung Whang cuts the ribbon on a new biodigester, which converts food scraps into nutrient-rich compost. The University held a ceremony on Jan. 8 to mark the biodigester’s installation on campus. Standing to Whang’s left is Nicholas Smith-Sebasto, founder and executive chairman of FOR Solutions, which manufactured the aerobic digester machine. Also helping cut the ribbon is Princeton’s Director of Sustainability Shana Weber (second from right) and Gina Talt (far right), who oversees day-to-day operations at the biogister.
    Photo by Denise Applewhite, Office of Communications,

    “The Office of Sustainability is unwavering in its dedication to introduce important new technology to our campus,” Vice President for Facilities KyuJung Whang said. “Through the help of so many people here today, we were able to do what we do best, which is to identify a challenge, research smart solutions and work together to create change.”

    Through a partnership between Facilities and Campus Dining, the aerobic digester machine converts food waste from Frist Campus Center and other campus cafes into compost. The team plans to collect scraps from more campus locations and events this year. Come spring, the compost will be tested as a natural soil improvement on University lawns.

    The biodigester is one of the many examples of sustainable food, landscape and waste management at the University.

    Weber speaks about Princeton University’s ongoing sustainability achievements, including the new biodigester located on campus near FitzRandolph Observatory. Through a partnership between Campus Dining and Facilities, more than 16 tons of food scraps have been converted to compost since the biodigester began operating in fall 2018.
    Photo by Denise Applewhite, Office of Communications, Princeton

    “Waste in global food and agriculture systems is a significant global issue,” Director of Sustainability Shana Weber said. She cited research from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on how food in landfills contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and in turn exacerbates climate change. “This project helps us tinker with how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how to revitalize soils, reduce fossil fuel uses, and spark innovations in zero waste systems.”

    Whang said it took “innovative thinking and problem-solving” across several departments and community partners to install and operate the biodigester. He added that the University’s commitment to sustainable waste reduction aligns with the town of Princeton’s sustainable initiatives, such as its curbside organic waste collection.

    “[The biodigester] shows the value of working at a tangible, local level to combat major sustainability challenges,” Whang said.

    The project also is an example of Princeton’s campus-as-lab approach, providing research and teaching opportunities for faculty and students. Weber had her own class, “Investigating an Ethos of Sustainability at Princeton,” tour the biodigester last fall, and 14 undergraduates are operational assistants at the facility.

    “It’s really important that Princeton has a whole machine dedicated to sustainability,” said sophomore Wesley Wiggins. “Working here has made me want to spread the word [to other students] about how they can contribute. It also makes me think differently about what I eat in the dining halls and how I can limit my own food waste.”

    Sustainability Project Assistant Gina Talt, who oversees day-to-day operations at the biodigester, said the project underscores Princeton’s larger commitment to sustainability. She hopes the project will inform how the University and other institutions can successfully compost on-site.

    “As someone who was involved in environmental initiatives through my undergraduate years at Princeton, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to literally get my hands dirty and engage in real-world sustainability problem-solving with tangible impacts for the campus and beyond,” said Talt, a member of the Class of 2015. “I’ve developed a deep appreciation for all that goes on behind the scenes at the University, sometimes unnoticed, and all the partnerships, efforts and leadership that goes into planning, implementing and enacting change.”

    The nutrient-rich compost produced by Princeton University’s new biodigester will be tested as a natural soil improvement on campus lawns this spring. The biodigester is one of many examples of sustainable food, landscape and waste reduction at the University.
    Photo by Denise Applewhite, Office of Communications, Princeton

    Credit: Princeton University and Emily Aronson
