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    by Published on 08-03-2022 02:30 PM

    Floyd, Pike Counties Eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance | site |

    Information contained in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) press release dated: August 2, 2022

    Frankfort, Ky. – Floyd and Pike counties are now eligible for FEMA assistance after flooding in Eastern Kentucky.

    Individuals and households in Floyd and Pike counties can apply for FEMA Individual Assistance, which may include temporary housing assistance, basic home repairs and certain other uninsured disaster-related needs.

    These counties join Breathitt, Clay, Knott, Letcher and Perry counties, which were previously approved for Individual Assistance.

    Survivors in the designated counties can apply online at disasterassistance.gov , by calling 800-621-3362, or by using the FEMA mobile app. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA the number for that service. When you apply, you will need to provide:

    • A current phone number where you can be contacted.

    • Your address at the time of the disaster and the address where you are now staying.

    • Your Social Security Number.

    • A general list of damage and losses.

    • Banking information if you choose direct deposit.

    • If insured, the policy number or the agent and/or the company name.

    Floyd and Pike counties had previously been designated in the major disaster declaration authorizing Public Assistance emergency protective measures, including Direct Federal Assistance.

    For an accessible video on how to apply for assistance go to youtube.com/watch?v=WZGpWI2RCNw


    by Published on 08-02-2022 09:26 PM

    Five Federal Emergency Management Agency Mobile Registration Centers Open in Eastern Kentucky | site |

    Information contained in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) press release dated: August 2, 2022

    Frankfort, Ky. – Five FEMA mobile registration centers are now open in Breathitt, Clay, Knott, Letcher and Perry counties to help Kentucky flood survivors who experienced uninsured loss from the flooding that began July 26.

    Flood survivors who live in those counties can go to any of the centers to get help applying for FEMA assistance.

    Center locations:

    • Breathitt County, 421 Jett Drive, Jackson, KY 41339

    • Clay County, Clay Community Center, 311 Highway 638, Manchester, KY 40962

    • Knott County, Knott County Sportsplex, 450 Kenny Champion Loop #8765, Leburn, KY 41831

    • Letcher County, Letcher County Recreation Center, 1505 Jenkins Rd., Whitesburg, KY 41858

    • Perry County, Hazard Community and Technical College, 1 Community College Drive, Hazard, KY 41701

    Hours for all the centers are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.

    FEMA representatives will be at the centers to help with applications for federal assistance and provide information about other disaster recovery resources.

    FEMA financial assistance may include money for temporary housing, basic home repairs or other uninsured, disaster-related needs such as childcare, transportation and medical, funeral or dental expenses.

    It is not necessary to go to a mobile center to apply for FEMA assistance. Homeowners and renters in Breathitt, Clay, Knott, Letcher and Perry counties can go online to disasterassistance.gov , call 800-621-3362 or use the FEMA mobile app. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA the number for that service.

    For an accessible video on how to apply for assistance go to FEMA Accessible: How to Register with Disaster Survivor Assistance - YouTube.


    by Published on 07-30-2022 02:11 AM

    President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Major Disaster Declaration for Kentucky | site |

    Information contained in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) press release dated: July 29, 2022

    Washington ...
    by Published on 07-05-2022 02:02 PM

    Examining the Fallout from the Dobbs Decision and the Demise of Roe vs. Wade | site |


    High Point, North Carolina, July 5, 2022 - - The following is an editorial written by Clarence William Page, owner and editor of this website and publication.

    Examining the Fallout from the Dobbs Decision and the Demise of Roe vs. Wade

    By: Pastor Clarence William Page

    July 5, 2022

    The U.S. Supreme Court has issued its decision. Dobbs vs. Jackson* deals a fatal blow to Roe vs. Wade**. The resulting outcry from abortionists and their supporters is immediate and ferocious.

    Many allegations of "foul" are being hurled. Many medical "professionals" are claiming (in so many words) that "the sky is falling". What are the real facts?

    First of all, pregnancy-prevention chemicals have become a cash cow. Women are spending MILLIONS (possibly BILLIONS) annually on "birth control substances". What do those substances do to the human body? What do those substances do to a woman's reproductive organs? Once taken, do the "birth control substances" make it more likely that a future miscarriage will occur? Where are the studies on that? What are the facts on that? I haven't heard a single medical "professional" address the impact (and harm) that "birth control substances" have on the woman that takes them. Additionally, do "birth control substances" place at risk children born to a woman who previously took "birth control substances"?

    NOTE TO YOUNG VIRGINS: "Birth control substances" may possibly place at risk both you and your future children. As a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I think you should NOT endanger yourself and your future children by taking "birth prevention substances". Also, I think that you SHOULD NOT abort ANY of your children.

    I am not a doctor. I do not practice medicine. I have no medical practice license. I did though (in 1965), graduate from the United States Army Medical Training Center and School located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. My Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was that of Medical Corpsman (many call it "Combat Medic").

    What evidence have I that pregnancy prevention substances cause subsequent reproduction problems? Very little. I do, though, know of one instance where a young woman had used the pregnancy prevention foam known as EMCO and her first attempt at childbirth resulted in a miscarriage. She went to her doctor, and he told her that she had fibroid tumors and would never have children. She subsequently gave birth to children.

    Have you EVER read ANYTHING about how "pregnancy prevention substances" harm women and their future children? Have you read ANYTHING about that???

    Virgins, I think you SHOULD NOT take or use "pregnancy prevention substances". Also, I think you SHOULD NOT abort ANY of your children.

    *Thomas E. Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al., Petitioners vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization, et al.

    **Jane Roe, et al. vs. Henry Wade, District Attorney of Dallas County



    by Published on 06-08-2022 10:00 PM

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Launches Let’s Talk About Heat Challenge to Raise Awareness of Extreme Heat Risks | site |

    Information contained in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency press release dated: June 6, 2022

    Washington - - Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the Let’s Talk About Heat Challenge to protect public health by raising awareness of health risks from extreme heat. The challenge asks applicants to share innovative and effective messages about the health risks of extreme heat for our most at-risk communities. The Let’s Talk About Heat Challenge was developed in support of the National Climate Task Force's Extreme Heat Interagency Working Group, which is being led by EPA, NOAA, and HHS with support from the White House.

    “Extreme heat is a major threat to public health,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “As we kick off the season and as we face even more record-breaking heat, we must ensure we are giving our community members the information and tools they need to stay safe and enjoy summer.”

    Extreme heat, when temperatures are much hotter than average, is an increasing problem for all parts of the United States. Over the last 30 years, heat has been the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States, and our changing climate means more parts of the country are likely to see extreme heat days in the future. The hotter temperatures are especially hard on children, older adults, outdoor workers and athletes, overburdened groups, and those already suffering from chronic illnesses. Extreme heat can compromise the body’s ability to regulate its temperature which can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and hyperthermia. Temperature extremes can also worsen chronic conditions, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and cerebrovascular disease and diabetes-related conditions.

    The Let’s Talk About Heat Challenge seeks innovative solutions that show how communities of different sizes and in different parts of the country create effective communication strategies to inform and warn people of the risks of extreme heat and offer ways to keep safe during the hottest days. The challenge is open now through July 22, 2022. Eligible participants include state, regional, Tribal, and local governments; nonprofits and community-based organizations such as faith-based, environmental, public health, or environmental justice organizations that have developed effective communication strategies; and individuals and groups. This challenge will award a total of $120,000 in prizes for up to 10 of the most innovative communication strategies.

    In addition to EPA, co-sponsors at NOAA, HHS, FEMA, and from external partner organizations, including the Atlantic Council, Georgetown Climate Center, Groundwork USA, and National Association of County and City Health Officials, have helped EPA design the challenge, will help select or serve on the judging panel, and will spread the word about the challenge to stakeholders and community groups.

    To learn more about the challenge and to apply, visit the Let’s Talk About Heat Challenge webpage.

    Register for an informational webinar on the challenge on June 22 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

    by Published on 06-04-2022 11:44 PM     Number of Views: 524 
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    2. Business and Economy

    National Transportation Safety Board Chair says Automobile Safety Rating System Is Failing Consumers | site |

    Information contained in National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) press release dated: June 3, 2022

    Washington (June 3, 2022) — The 5-Star Safety Rating Program that Americans use when shopping for new passenger vehicles “fails consumers” by not including collision-avoidance and other technology in the ratings and is approaching “near irrelevance,” National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy said.

    In March, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration asked for comments on changes to its New Car Assessment Program, commonly known as the 5-Star Safety Rating Program. The NTSB chair responded with a 13-page letter detailing ways to improve the program.

    “Today, safety is not only about crashworthiness, but incre​​​asingly about crash avoidance,” Homendy said. “Yet many of these life-saving technologies the NTSB has been recommending for decades are not included in the 5-Star Rating Program. How is it possible that a car in the U.S. with none of the currently available collision-prevention technologies could get a top rating? It’s unacceptable.”

    The rating system, first introduced in 1979, gave automakers an incentive to continually improve the crashworthiness of vehicles. As a result, most passenger vehicles manufactured today receive top crashworthiness scores.

    But crash-avoidance technologies are not included in the rating system and are not on the window labels found on new cars at the dealership. Since issuing its first recommendation in 1995 related to collision avoidance technology, the NTSB has made over 25 recommendations to NHTSA related to this technology. The letter also noted that NHTSA is years behind in implementing a law Congress passed requiring NHTSA to include crash-avoidance technologies on the window labels by 2016.

    Although NHTSA identified three safety technologies that meet the agency’s recommendation criteria and lists them on its website, the core request from the NTSB and Congress — to rate the performance of these safety technologies and include the ratings in the 5-Star Rating System — is still undone.

    Chair Homendy’s letter also compares the NHTSA rating system unfavorably to the one used in Europe, which includes ratings of forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking systems, lane departure warnings, lane keep assist systems, driver monitoring, and other active and passive component designed to also protect pedestrians and bicyclists.

    “Technologies that the European Union started to mandate this year, that Euro NCAP is starting to rate next year, and that the NTSB has been recommending be required for years, are only now starting to be considered by NHTSA,” Homendy wrote. “The NCAP program will not fulfill its purpose of informing consumers unless NHTSA can keep pace with the emergence and development of safety technologies.”

    Read NTSB Chair Homendy’s letter to NHTSA.

    Require Collision-Avoidance and Connected-Vehicle Technologies on all Vehicles, Implement a Comprehensive Strategy to Eliminate Speeding-Related Crashes​​, and Protect Vulnerable Road Users through a Safe System Approach are on the NTSB’s Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements.

    To report an incident/accident or if you are a public safety agency, please call 1-844-373-9922 or 202-314-6290 to speak to a Watch Officer at the NTSB Response Operations Center (ROC) in Washington, DC (24/7).


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